We care about secure data processing

With eRecruiter, you secure the candidates’ data in the best possible way.

Learn more about the eRecruiter system security measures

No need to worry about the GDPR anymore

We take care of the security of the processed data.

Data security from the first contact with the candidate

Job applications submitted by your Candidates are safe with us like in a bank vault. Literally!


We employ a sophisticated password policy and SSL encryption, offering similar level of security as online bank accounts. It is confirmed by a lock icon on the search bar. You will see this symbol when using eRecruiter.

Addressing the rights of candidates

Worrying about the extended catalog of candidates’ rights under the GDPR? Worry no more!

Special functionalities of eRecruiter will help you address the right to:


  • delete data (the right to be forgotten);
  • restrict data processing;
  • transfer data;
  • rectify data.

Compliance with the information requirement and collection of consents

eRecruiter enables you to define diverse templates of clauses to ensure compliance with the candidate information requirement.


The system can also help you collect consents from the candidates. The clauses and consents will be displayed to the applicant in the application form, whereas you will find them in the candidate’s profile in the system. Simple, isn’t it?

Control over duration of data processing

We continuously monitor what you worry about too much.

The eRecruiter system monitors the duration of processing of data contained in job applications. The system will notify you in advance about the expiring term of data processing and flag the candidate whose data must be deleted. Convenient, isn’t it?

Try the eRecruiter system

Do you want to manage the database of collected CVs in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR?